There has been a great deal of discussion concerning the challenging issues that are taking place in the L.A. County Probation halls and camps. There have been multiple reported disturbances over the last few weeks at Camp Afflerbaugh, requiring the Special Enforcement Operation unit (SEO) to assist in providing a presence at these facilities. Additionally, there is talk among some minors about a potential AWOL.
In light of the numerous attacks on staff by juveniles, attacks on juveniles by other juveniles, contraband being brought in by visitors or created by juveniles, destruction of County property by juveniles, attempted escapes, Local 685 is taking a serious look at juvenile detention centers in other states to see if they are having some of the same problems we are having in L.A. County probation facilities.

The following are links to recent incidents in Orlando, St. Louis, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Golden, CO:
Orlando, FL – Orange County Juvenile Justice Center in Florida
10-year-old charged in deadly Memorial Day shooting will remain in juvenile detention Click here
St. Louis, MO – Staffer hurt in juvenile detention center incident
Eight teens were involved in a disturbance at the Juvenile Detention Center along Hogan Street, which included injuries to at least one of the youth leaders. Click here
New Orleans, LA – Teens beat up guard, locked her in bathroom before helping 19-year-old escape Bridge City center
Authorities are searching for a 19-year-old New Orleans man who injured a staff member during an escape Sunday (April 10) from the Bridge City Center for Youth detention facility. Click here
Delaware County, PA – Delaware Co. releasing juvenile detainees because of lack of beds
The DA says it's so bad they're forced to free violent offenders because there is nowhere else for them to go. Click here
Golden, CO – Multiple staff members injured in riot at Golden youth center
At least two inmates face charges related to the Jan. 3 incident. More could be charged for their roles based on video evidence. Click here