Message from Local 685 President Hans Liang

Dear Sisters and Brothers, We are fighting significant anti-law enforcement sentiment at the 2022 AFSCME International Convention, specifically to terminate the affiliation of all law enforcement local unions – including Local 685 – from AFSCME. Click here to read the proposed resolution here. At the time of this post, we have successfully kept this resolution from coming to the Convention floor for a vote by the full body. But the Convention is still ongoing and we must stay vigilant and keep the fight up. We receive tremendous benefit from our affiliation with AFSCME, including representation, research, and collective bargaining support. Further, because of our affiliation with AFSCME and the AFL-CIO, our political power is increased exponentially at the local, state, and federal level. Last – but certainly not least – as a union affiliated with AFSCME/AFL-CIO, we are able to participate in the Coalition of County Unions (CCU) and Local 685 members are eligible for the very affordable CAPE medical plans. CRITICAL NOTE: If Local 685 is not affiliated with AFSCME/AFL-CIO, then you would lose access to a CAPE medical plan, which would mean that those currently in a CAPE plan would have to switch either to Kaiser or one of the two (more expensive) Cigna plans.* I will provide additional updates throughout the week. In solidarity, Hans Liang President, AFSCME Local 685 *Note that the CCU Fringe Benefit Contract states that only dues paying members of a union affiliated with the CCU are eligible to enroll in a CAPE medical plan.