Due to BSCC compliance inspections, the Department will be moving the majority of minors from Central Juvenile Hall to Sylmar today (Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday).
Local 685 members will be impacted by this move as all staff will be assigned to Sylmar and some staff will be moving with the minors as they are moved. Some staff are being notified by the Department to report directly to Sylmar.
Transportation Deputies and SEO are also being called up for these movements and Camp staff are being asked to volunteer to Sylmar to assist. Additionally, the Department is notifying deployed staff about changed work locations. Local 685 members, this is all hands on deck!
Due to the number of minors and the variable configuration of the units, the major focus is on how to safely move the various groups and the best sequence. On the receiving end – Sylmar – there are sufficient spaces in specified units to receive the entire current CJH population.
For Local 685‘s DSO, Transportation, and GSN members who are familiar with the minors, you know that there are many variables and safety considerations to keep in mind. Local 685 members will be the key to successful movements; as always, we are at the center of the Department’s most critical work.
This is a very fluid situation. We will keep you updated with information as it continues to unfold.