Victims are all too frequently left out of the recovery and healing process. The Local 685 Executive Board has been talking with the Probation Department about creating a position for a Probation Victims Services Representative. Now that process has begun.
"The Probation Department intends to create the position(s) of Probation Victim Services Representative(s) to work with victims and the families of victims of crimes of both adult and justice involved youth supervised by the Department. The Probation Victim Services Representative is the Department’s subject matter expert in government and community-based victim’s services and resources, collection of restitution, and other victim related mandates such as Marcy’s Law.
Probation Victim Services Representative(s) Duties will include but not be limited to:
• Provide enhanced services to victims (both on active and closed supervision cases) in contacting and navigating victim assistance services provided by the depart

mental operations (Adult and Juvenile Centralized Restitution Unit, AB 109 Restitution Unit, Area Office Restitution Clerks, Budget & Fiscal Services Bureau, etc.) that will assist with the collection of court ordered victim restitution.
• Provide referrals and facilitate engagement of victims with other county and community- based victim services, including, but not limited to:
• District Attorney's Restitution Asset Recovery Unit,
• District Attorney's Office Victim Advocate Unit,
• Child Support Services,
• Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office's Victim's Services Center,
• Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and/or
• California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.
• Work with the Department in the development of policy and procedures for the enactment of all future legislation, ballot initiatives, and county policy related to victim support.
• Work with Department staff in developing and implementing policy and training for line DPOs processes and local support services and resources available to victims of crime and DPO responsibilities related to victim's rights.
• Trouble-shoot victim services related issues and resolve or seek appropriate assistance in ensuring the Department follows all mandates related to victim's rights."
Source: L.A. County Probation Department