Dear Sisters and Brothers,
The wheels in Probation are turning in every direction. As a department and as a Union, we are facing many challenges and anticipate more to come. Local 685 members are being walked out of facilities, placed under investigation, and some with injuries are being sent home to burn their own time – these are just some of the challenges.
Let me not forget, some of those folks sent home to burn their own time are running out of benefit time and guess what: When they run out of benefit time, “THE PAYCHECK STOPS.” But the mortgage and the rent are still due. The car payment is still due and other bills still must be paid. Not to mention food still must be placed on the table. Today this is happening to them but tomorrow it could be us. Me included.
Someone said to me that the morale in probation is low. It is low, but this situation will turn around. It was at midnight when Paul and Silas prayed unto the Lord. (Read the story in Acts 16: 25-26) Sisters and Brothers, it’s time to pray. This too shall pass. There is light at the end of the tunnel. To get to the end of the tunnel we must fight our way through. At some point, we will get there. In war, there are casualties. In this war, many have retired, some have quit, some have become ill including myself, and others are contemplating leaving the Department altogether. But those of us who remain must reclaim what belongs to us. Working this thing called Probation is a ministry. It is a service that we provide to and for the community. Hang in there. Stay on the path of success.
As your president, I must tell you that I’m a different kind of dude. I do things differently. I think outside of the box. I feed off positive energy. I trust and depend on God. Insiders say I’m crazy, (sure) there may be some truth to that or maybe not. But one thing is for sure, we will not go down without a fight. How many Probation chiefs have we had in the past 6 years? Just asking. Guess what, some of us are still here and they’re not. Just saying.
I have friends who are firefighters for LA County. I was once told that sometimes they have to fight a fire with fire. I thought about that concept. I loved it. Folks, we have to use that concept. We have to fight fire with fire. Let’s get our stories out there. Positive press. If negative information can be given to the media so should positive information.
I’m working on something. Currently, probation officers are labeled as rapist, molesters, and other horrible things. Last I checked, I’m not any of that. But that’s the narrative out there. It’s up to us to change that. And we will. As I stated, there are many challenges we are facing. You don’t always see the victories we win. When 685 fights, 685 wins.
I will be posting a chart in the coming weeks. I’m working on that as we speak. That chart will include the issue and what progress we have made if any. For example, the grievances we have won. I cannot mention the officers by name, but I can say for example, in the month of May we had 5 grievances and won 4. We had 6 people with an intent to discharge but their cases were reduced to a suspension. We had 5 folks facing a 5 maybe 10-day suspension, that suspension was reduced to ZERO. These are not actual numbers but just to give you an example. We are working on all our issues and will show you where we are in terms of progress. Some of our members are innocent and some are guilty. Let’s be real. Some of our members have made an honest mistake while others just messed up and got caught. The department must take some responsibility for some of this mess, and they should be held accountable.
Please don’t think we are not fighting for you because we are. We are in a war and to win a war it takes some time. I take risks that make sense. We must encourage others to trust my leadership as president and take risks with me. As president, I will not ask you as a member of this great Union to take a risk that I wouldn’t take. I lead by example. That’s the only way.
The Executive Board and I met with Chief Rosa last week. What an interesting meeting to say the least. Chief Rosa and I are in the same situation. He is the head of the Probation Department, and I am the head of the Union. Talk about stress. My God. I will address that meeting from my perspective in a video message late next week. I will post it on the Union’s webpage.
Remember: Watts, Lynwood, and Compton were not built in one day. Progress takes time. I was an ugly baby. But look at me now. Sexy. Just kidding. Humor is fun. Laughter is a good medication.
Take care and be encouraged. Love you all. Well, some of you. Just kidding.
Check out our Local 685 webpage in the coming weeks. I will be addressing you by video.
Local 685 Executive Board Meets with Chief Guillermo Viera Rosa
By Fields Vice President Dwight Thompson
Executive Board members were presented to hear Chief Guillermo Viera Rosa’s message. The focus of the meeting was on the reassignment and the job spec of the Institutions. When it came to discussing Field operations it appeared to be a standoff of opinions because the Probation management team had no idea what their middle managers were doing in the area offices.
Home assignments along with less intrusive alternatives for light duty officers was a point of information presented by Vice President Thompson. The Chief explained that the Probation Department has over 500 of Field Officers on light duty at the present time. They are trying to accommodate all, but do not have enough space. The Department has brought back 141 of our members who were given instructions by HR that they would do modified work in the area office that does not constitute peace officer work. This appeared to be a surprise to the Chief and his executive management team.
The Chief explained that all DPO IIs being brought back into the office are peace officers and ARE REQUIRED to sign off on their work and represent it in court if called. Never did they suggest stripping peace officer status. Somehow middle managers have gotten the wrong work instructions. He assured this bargaining unit that no member was being stripped of our peace officer status. The positions held in the Area Office will be reviewed in 35 days.
The Chief did indicate a willingness to go to an additional item called “Probation Assistant,” which must be negotiated with Local 685 as it would allow another element to our casework assignment. The Chief indicated a willingness to pull back on the amount of DPOs currently reassigned to the Juvenile Halls if the numbers in the Hall increase.
The Chief did indicate awareness of the shortages in the Area Offices and the need to have Probation Officers in the community serving the public. He continued to indicate wanting to bring back the Field Officers back to continue their duties, but he indicated 830.5 is a non-negotiable standard, and it requires all to be able to function as full-time peace officers.
This bargaining unit will continue to meet with managers because we see a need to have management provide accurate information that is somehow getting lost in between upper management, middle management, and line staff.