Deployment Extended
We have been notified that the Department is extending deployment for one week:
"This email serves as notification regarding deployments into the Institutions. Deployments will need to continue with the new potential end date of March 25, 2022, to assist in helping BJNJH stabilize due to the recent temporary consolidation of CJH. The deployments will be to BJNJH only."
The Department is requesting 50 percent of the current deployment and the Union is attempting to reduce the Field footprint for this extending deployment even further.
The fight continues!!
90 Day Study on Feasibility for Future of Central Juvenile Hall
We want to thank Supervisor Kathryn Barger for her motion on Tuesday’s Board Agenda to make Barry J Nidorf Juvenile Hall the permanent location for the Secure Youth Treatment Facility as recommended by Chief Gonzalez. Unfortunately, Barger’s motion did not prevail. Instead, the Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to embark on a 120-day feasibility study and plan for the future of Central Juvenile Hall.
“The closure of Central Juvenile Hall is very much part of the future of Los Angeles County,” said Supervisor Solis. “The solution isn’t to throw more money into it, put more coats of paint on its walls, or even continue with band-aid solutions, but a more permanent plan. Our youth deserve more and so does our staff. It’s time for us to look at Central Juvenile Hall through a feasibility study to see how we can shift it away from being used to incarcerate youth to turn it into a real asset to the residents of Los Angeles County.” Read more.
We will continue to work closely with the Department to minimize impact on staff and to protect jobs. We have requested a Townhall meeting at Barry J ASAP to make sure that all members are fully informed.
We are continuing to do everything in our power to protect members and assure that the youth in our care receive the Care First treatment that they need.