For many of us, Cinco de Mayo is a day to celebrate tacos and margaritas with family and friends. But did you know that Cinco de Mayo is actually in commemoration of the Mexican army’s victory in 1952 over France in the Franco-Mexican War? Click here to read all about here and enjoy your Cinco de Mayo! Mexico’s victory isn’t the only celebration in May – on May 10, we celebrate the 76th anniversary of the founding of our Union, AFSCME Local 685! AFSCME Local 685 was founded in 1945 by a group of World War II veterans who sought to create an outstanding Probation Department for Los Angeles County. The new Union was granted a charter by AFSCME in 1969. Under the strong leadership of John Seferian and Henry Fiering, the Union won an election that made Local 685 the recognized certified majority representative of all probation peace officers and Pre-Trial Investigators in the Probation Department. Local 685 also proudly represents the Group Supervisors and Transportation Workers in DCFS. Since 1969, Local 685 has been charged with, and has always maintained, the responsibility of protecting the rights of members employed by the L.A. County Probation Department. Our Union negotiates, on behalf of the membership, all matters concerning wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions with the Department. (Note that our benefits are negotiated together with the Coalition of County Unions.)
Since 1969, your elected Union leaders – together with our extraordinary team of highly qualified consultants – have successfully negotiated every new contract with Los Angeles County political and bureaucratic leaders, and we have effectively represented members in every aspect of dealing with the Probation Department and the Department of Children and Family Services. Click here to learn more about AFSCME International Union.