Between July 18-20, 2022, Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) staff completed a reinspection of Central Juvenile Hall’s safety check documentation to determine compliance with Section 1328, Safety Checks. During the reinspection, BSCC staff reviewed 325 safety checks across all shifts and units and reviewed video documentation of safety checks to verify compliance. Based upon this reinspection and review, BSCC staff has determined that the Central Juvenile Hall is in compliance with Section 1328, Safety Checks.
Documentation reviewed for the safety checks during reinspection indicates that safety checks are being conducted within the 15-minute time required by the regulations. In addition, BSCC staff verified that safety checks were completed by reviewing video. During this reinspection, BSCC staff also verified that the L.A. County Probation Department has implemented its corrective action plan, which includes administrative review, oversight, and observation of safety check documentation. The Department has also pursued personnel actions when necessary.
BSCC staff is also aware that the Department deployed additional staff, including managers and supervisors from the field, to focus on conducting safety checks in compliance with regulation. BSCC staff are aware that the Department will be reassigning staff to both Central and Barry J Nidorf Juvenile Halls to temporarily assist with staffing shortages. BSCC staff strongly recommend that the Department continue to assign at least one (1) posted position dedicated to each building for the sole purpose of conducting safety checks. This recommendation will ensure that safety checks are completed in accordance with regulation as well as ensuring the safety of the youth in the care of the County.
While the Department has achieved technical compliance with Section 1328, Safety Checks, BSCC staff remain concerned about ongoing issues at the Central Juvenile Hall. Central Juvenile Hall has required ongoing and continuous technical assistance during this period of reinspection and BSCC staff intend to focus on those issues as the 2020/2022 Biennial Inspection begins in the coming weeks.
Source: BSCC Minutes, July 25, 2022, Board Meeting