DSO Michael Wall
The following biography of the life of DSO Michael Wall was read into the Board Meeting record on May 18, 2021, by Supervisor Janice Hahn. The meeting was adjourned in recognition of his passing.
Detention Service Officer Michael Wall was 49 years old, and he is survived by his daughter Aubrey Wall, (15) and his three sisters Jewel Smyth, Dionne Wall and Angelique Smyth. He had a reputation for being a very mild mannered, always positive guy. While growing up he was always cared so much about the kids he grew up around, if a kid started to “bully” another kid he was always the one to stand up for the kid being attacked, letting the others know, “we are not having this happening here today.”
He was also an adamant sports fan, so naturally he would attend Long Beach Polytechnic, the school Sports Illustrated magazine called the "Sports School of the Century," he enjoyed basketball, but he loved football and played for the Polytechnic football team. When Michael graduated from Long Beach Polytechnic High School in 1989. He then attended New Mexico State University on a football scholarship.
He initially had some aspirations to play football professionally, certainly since his high school had sent more players to the NFL than any other high school in the country, he was a linebacker on the New Mexico team, so he strongly considered it. However, by the time he graduated from the University, he decided to join The Mesilla Hospital in Las Cruces, where he worked with patients working on their mental health. Next, he joined a non-profit organization called Families and Youth Inc., a residential treatment center where he worked with teens and their families.
Michael’s friends talked about how his quiet, nonjudgmental approach to life made him so pleasant to be with. He loved being with his family, he had gotten married, and he had a daughter. Then, Michael’s mother became very ill, he was concerned that he was so far away, so he applied to the Los Angeles Probation Department, he had the experience and the education that Los Angeles County Probation Department was looking for and they quickly snap him up.
Michael has been with the Los Angeles County Probation Department for fourteen years. He was a dedicated Guardian of Justice, who will be greatly missed by family and friends that loved him dearly.